Happy 2025! I am working on restocking each product over the next month.

Bright White

White and bright ๐Ÿค
I get asked all the time โ€œwhere is your pure white soap??โ€. Well bathing beauties I am gonna let you in on the dirty little secret ๐Ÿคซ about the classic white soap! .
Classic white soap is typically tinted with titanium dioxide โš—๏ธ. What is titanium dioxide your ask?? Well lovelies it is an occurring oxide from titanium. It can be highly carcinogenic in powder form and even more harmful as a nano particle. Nano particles...are so small ๐Ÿ” they can get into your body and blood stream. Once in the body the titanium dioxide can reek havoc. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป
At infused we do have a couple of white โ€œishโ€ soaps (Luna & Glow). So Whats in our white soap!? We combine our moisturizing soap base with a white all natural tint (white clay or zinc). Although we add in these white tints, they are no match for Mother Nature๐ŸŒฟ
. But Why you ask? Our base oils/butters such as Shea, coco, olive and avocado ๐Ÿฅ‘ naturally contain rich golden yellow ๐Ÿ’› hue.
So beauties we will stick to our white ish whites and keep all your lovelies safe and chemical free ๐Ÿค